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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Im really sad, there is too much happening

so Jack ass decides Brigitte cant be here, he fucks with my head and I don't even know if half the texts she and I sent are from her now. Then Jim has a stroke, and his right side is numb and he is having a hard time. my mother who isn't the most stable person in the world is trying to recover from having surgery on her knee after breaking it, not one but twice. John decided to go drinking last night after ditching me and making me stay home the night before, and instead of calling it a night when his friend goes home, he decides to go to a couple other bars and fuck off until 3. Oh and don't forget no texts nothing to inform me because apparently its none of my business and I don't get to ask about it, not even nicely asking if bear followed him home because he was loud and obnoxious and made a shit load of noise. What a jack ass. And to top it all off, I go to work,I get back he texts me right as I pull in to  get him a burger, well if he wants a fucking burger he will pay for it, if he has 40$ to go out all night he can buy us all lunch or fuck off. And he yells, he says suck his dick, or get out, he says he is gonna find someone else to fuck and all the shit I just don't want to hear  as if I haven't had enough the past three days. And seriously he thinks I am gonna go get him ice water and food? wtf is wrong with him? I'm not doing it. I don't deserve this I hate my life I hate the stupid men in it that cant pull their heads out.Just assholes.fml

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